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Sunday, November 15, 2020

Grape Creek students volunteer at Railway Museum of San Angelo -
Local News

As part of 'living history' interactive education display

SAN ANGELO, Texas – The Railway Museum of San Angelo is a bustling with activity just like when it was an active train station over a century ago. Nearly a dozen students from Grape Creek High School are volunteering in costume in shifts to act as conductors, telegraph operators and engineers at the museum. Dr. Linda Bond, a volunteer with the museum, said that providing the new living history exhibit makes museums more inviting than static displays.

“This [is] our first living history day,” explained Bond. “The students of Grape Creek High Schoole are here as the conductors and the engineers and the telegraph operators that you would have met in 1910, in this very building this building over 100 years old is still a very viable exciting place, and we’re bringing it back to life by having people recreate the jobs they would have done in 1910.”

The students are volunteering every Saturday from 10a.m. to 4p.m. through December.

The Link Lonk

November 16, 2020 at 09:25AM

Grape Creek students volunteer at Railway Museum of San Angelo -

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