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Thursday, July 30, 2020

Corn has reached tassel stage, pollination not far behind -

The summer crop and rainfall report, which features crop condition and rainfall updates from La Salle County farmers, is published regularly during the growing season. The following report covers July 20 through July 26 and is provided with assistance from the La Salle County Farm Bureau.

David Hall, Serena — We received 1 inch of rainfall this past week. Late soybeans are shading the rows, and early soybeans are setting pods. Second crop hay is wrapped up, and fungicide is about done being sprayed on corn. The fungicide may just pay off if the wet humid weather persists. Fungicide will provide the crops about three weeks of protection against several plant diseases, which have the potential to rob yield in humid and hot conditions.

I would like to clarify something that I mentioned last week. Every flower a soybean plant produces has the potential to produce a pod. But depending on conditions, approximately half of the flowers will not set pods.  

We are starting to think about fall and pull out some equipment. Have a safe week everyone!

Barry Beetz, Mendota — We had 2.4 inches this past week, with 2 inches of that in one storm on Sunday night. It was a great rain. The crops all look terrific and the soil is charged to get through two more weeks. Several growers were baling second cutting hay right before the rain. Detasselling is going strong again this week with a chance that it may be slowing down by next week. 

David Myer, Marseilles — Summer 2020 extreme heat may be behind us as cooler temps are seen coming in the next week to 10-day period. We were fortunate to receive about 1/3 inch of rain this past week. The later planted corn has reached the tassel stage and pollination not far behind, Fungicide spraying continues but future forecasts may show the need isn’t as great. Soybeans looked to have grown nearly a foot in height this week and the early planted beans have many pods already set and still blossoming and will set more pods. Fungicide and insecticide spraying on the beans are being applied, but not as many acres as the corn. We've been alerted already that the LaGrange lock project will take at least two weeks longer than planned, so grain shipment this October may not happen. USDA reports crop condones improving, which in turn drives the markets lower. August is here, but will there be in class schools to start, only time will tell.

Bill Gray, Tonica/Lostant — Last week I received 0.8 inches of rain. The corn and soybean crops continue to mature and look pretty good. The planes have been applying fungicide to some of the corn and soybean fields in my area. Roadsides are being mowed and soon we will be getting ready for harvest. We’ve seen several fawns and antler growth on some of the local bucks looks pretty good. Archery season will be here before we know it. Been hearing coyotes howling too, guess we didn’t get them all last year.

Have a good week and be safe.

Ken Bernard, Grand Ridge — For the week we received 2.3 inches of rain. That topped it off nicely, beans really took off but where water is sitting in ponds the beans are starting to turn yellow. We sprayed fungicide over the weekend on the beans with our sprayer. We also put fungicide on some corn mostly with the airplane. Corn is pretty well all pollinated with the last planting just starting to tassel and start pushing out the silks on the ear. Looks like right now there will be a good crop in both corn and beans. We combined some oats for a couple of neighbors this last weekend and they were okay as far as yield. Also got a field of hay baled. The hay crop was a little too mature that made it a little coarser. Hope everyone stayed cool and hydrated this last week, looks like cooler weather will move in with less humidity. Stay safe and be careful.

Geoffrey Janssen, Rutland — It was another warm week. We did receive 0.8 inches of rain, which is very beneficial to the crops. Corn is moving right along with pollination. Soybeans are also growing rapidly, starting to get some very good height and bushing out, and really looking nice. Aerial application of fungicide still going on in corn.

Rainfall (in inches):

David Hall 1

Barry Beetz 2.4

David Myer 0.33

Bill Gray 0.8

Ken Bernard 2.3

Geoffrey Janssen 0.8

The Link Lonk

July 31, 2020 at 08:52AM

Corn has reached tassel stage, pollination not far behind -

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