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Saturday, August 15, 2020

Nipping blooms off tomato plants could help fruit ripen faster: Ask an expert -

Gardening is in full swing and if you’ve got questions, turn to Ask an Expert, an online question-and-answer tool from Oregon State University’s Extension Service. OSU Extension faculty and Master Gardeners reply to queries within two business days, usually less. To ask a question, simply go to the OSU Extension website and type in a question and the county where you live. Here are some questions asked by other gardeners. What’s yours?

Q: I have only heirloom tomatoes (85-90 days). At this point we are probably less than that many days to our first frost date. Would there be any benefit to removing new flower blossoms, as those fruit most likely won’t ripen in time? I would think the plant could put more energy into the more mature fruit, yes? No? – Multnomah County

A: Yes, pulling the flowers off the plant will hasten the fruit that is now on it to ripen. This will make the plant try to ripen the fruit on the plant faster. You can also stop watering the plant, again that tells the plant to get busy and ripen the fruit.

However, any fruit that does set from the flowers you have now may ripen even if not as large as the fruit that has had a chance to go through the entire cycle.

You can pull the plant at the end of the season (the entire plant fruit and all) and hang it upside down in your garage or somewhere where it will be protected. Most of the fruit will ripen. All the fruit on the plant except the very newest fruit that has set on the plant should ripen.

This does work but the fruit never tastes as good as the tomatoes that have ripened in the ground in the sun, on the vine, in my opinion.

You can also extend your growing season when the nights become cold by using plastic sheeting over the plants. Quick hoops can be made with ½-inch PVC pipe, 10 feet long and painter's plastic sheeting and clamps. Bend the PVC pipe into the ground on each side of the tomato bed (creating a hoop), put the plastic over it and clamp it to the pipe. Plastic can create a very hot environment during the day so it either has to be removed or make sure the ends of the hoops are open (both ends). Three hoops are sufficient for about 8 feet. Or if you have the tomatoes trellised, the plastic sheeting can go over the trellis and to the ground. Again, removing it during the day.

Here is a link on growing tomatoes and ripening them. Also, an article on low tunnels for further info. – Sheryl Casteen, OSU Extension Master Gardener

Ask an expert

When's the best time to add sawdust to blueberry plants?OSU Extension Service

Q: I have very mature blueberry bushes – well over 50 years old. I need to give them some sawdust but was wondering if there is a specific time of year, or season, to give it to them. Also, if I moved to Idaho, would some of my berry plants be able to survive the move and the transplant if I take them with me, or should I just buy younger ones in the zone they'll live in? – Washington County

A: This is very useful reference from Oregon State University that includes all the information necessary to grow blueberries with mention of specific types of mulch. Berries may survive the transplant/trip and survive but there may be a lag time for them to recover and thrive again. Idaho has colder drier weather as a rule. You may wish to check ahead with their garden centers and Master Gardeners, as well. – Jack Shorr, OSU Master Gardener Diagnostician

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Avocado leaf spotsOSU Extension Service

Q: We have two potted avocado plants that stay indoors year-round. This summer, they both started to struggle in different ways. On the first plant, the leader has wilted and all the leaflets on this end have died. The larger leaves on this plant are also becoming brown and crispy starting on the ends. On the second plant, the leaves have become pale and have developed brown spots that eventually spread over the leaves. Both plants live in front of a south-facing glass door, and also have a supplemental full-spectrum light. They were both potted up in February of this year. – Multnomah County

A: It is most likely some form of root rot. Avocados are really not meant to be potted plants but it is fun to start them from a pit. Make sure you are not allowing the plant to sit with water in the saucer. Also, allow the plant to dry out for two to three weeks and then continue to water after you let the root ball dry out (every two to four weeks.) Reduce watering if the plant is not actively growing, like during the winter months. You can also lift the plant and inspect the roots. Cut out anything that is dry/brittle or mushy. For the central leader, you can try cutting it at a leaf node and see if it starts to produce a new leader. – Sara Running, OSU Extension Master Gardener

Q: Is it okay to prune magnolia trees in August? What about dogwoods? Or any tree for that matter. – Multnomah County

A: You won't cause any harm if you prune your trees in late summer.

Pruning ornamental trees is generally recommended for late winter. At that time, the tree will respond with more vigorous growth than it will if pruned now.

Here and here is more information about pruning trees and shrubs. – Weston Miller, OSU Extension horticulturist

Ask an expert

Wild gingerOSU Extension Service

Q: I would like an ID of this plant. There is no indication of flowers. It’s located in the center of a logging road on private land. There are only about four or five clumps. – Joshephine County

A: This appears to be wild ginger, Asarum caudatum. Great find!

Western wild ginger is an understory plant that offers both wonderful texture in the form of deeply veined, evergreen, aromatic leaves that carpet the soil in shady conditions, and unusual, secretive flowers. The genus Asarum has about 17 species found in North America, China and Europe; the name is the Latin form of the Greek asaron, of obscure origin. The species epithet, caudatum, means “tailed” and refers to the wispy, almost whimsical appendages of the sepals, which protect the flower.

And what a flower! Burgundy with a brownish tinge, and enchantingly mysterious in appearance, they bloom from April to July in Oregon. You may not even notice them unless you’re weeding on your hands and knees, or if you make a special point to seek out their intricate beauty at ground level. With charming little tails, a three-cornered shape, and a hairy cup that conceals the real flower, they are one of nature’s hidden little gems, observable only to soil dwellers or those two-legged creatures with a spirit of curiosity.

Check out this link. – Chris Rusch, OSU Extension Master Gardener

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The Link Lonk

August 15, 2020 at 09:00PM

Nipping blooms off tomato plants could help fruit ripen faster: Ask an expert -

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