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Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Dry conditions decrease Brazilian corn production estimate - World Grain

BRASILIA, BRAZIL — Delayed planting and continued dry conditions has dropped Brazil’s estimated corn production 11 million tonnes, to 94 million tonnes, for the 2020-21 marketing year, according to a Global Agricultural Information Network (GAIN) report from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA).

If realized, the 2020-21 marketing year corn production would be the lowest Brazilian corn production volume since the 2017-18 marketing year, which also was challenged by drought.

The USDA also has reduced its 2020-21 marketing year corn export forecast along with the expected decline in production. Brazil is anticipated to export 27 million tonnes of corn, a 23% decline year-over-year. However, the USDA maintains its corn export estimate for the 2021-22 marketing year of 40 million tonnes based on an expectation of expanded production, as well as the likelihood that the Brazilian real will remain relatively weak.

Strong domestic demand from Brazil’s poultry livestock sector is fueling a one million tonne increase in corn imports. The USDA expects the country to import about three million tonnes of corn in the 2021-22 marketing year.

Wheat production in the 2020-21 marketing year rebounded compared to the previous year that faced adverse weather. The USDA maintains its wheat production estimate at 6.25 million tonnes.

Despite lowering its estimate, the USDA expects Brazilian wheat production in the 2021-22 marketing year to reach a record high. The country is anticipated to see a wheat production decrease of 200,000 tonnes in the 2021-22 marketing year bringing the total to 6.85 million tonnes. Delayed planting and dry conditions are impacting the commodity’s production.

The USDA’s Brazilian wheat import forecast for the 2020-21 marketing year remains unchanged at 6.5 million tonnes as the devalued Brazilian real has made dollar-dominated imports more expensive. However, diminishing wheat stocks are expected to fuel wheat imports in the 2021-22 marketing year to 6.7 million tonnes.  

Record high domestic prices buoyed Brazil’s rice production in the 2020-21 marketing year to 7.9 million tonnes but competition from other commodities such as wheat and corn remain. Production of the commodity in the 2021-22 marketing year is forecast to dip slightly to 7.82 million tonnes.

As the Brazilian economy struggles to deal with impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the weakening Brazilian real is expected to remain compared to the US dollar. This exchange rate is anticipated to buoy export volumes. The USDA has raised its Brazilian rice export estimate to 950,000 tonnes for the 2020-21 marketing year and maintains next season’s forecast at 900,000 tonnes.

Based on the larger-than-expected rice production, the USDA expects Brazil to import about 800,000 tonnes of rice in the 2020-21 marketing year. Imports for the following marketing year are anticipated to total 800,000 tonnes of rice as well.

The Link Lonk

June 29, 2021 at 08:07PM

Dry conditions decrease Brazilian corn production estimate - World Grain

Blackened shrimp top fresh corn, tomatoes and peppers in this colorful summer combo - The Washington Post

Make the vegetables: In a large, nonstick skillet over medium heat, add the oil and heat until shimmering. Add the tomatoes and cook, stirring, until blistered, about 2 minutes. Add the onion, bell pepper and jalapeño and cook, stirring, until just starting to soften, about 2 minutes. Pour the corn on top and let it sit undisturbed for about 2 minutes. Stir to combine and cook until the onions are translucent, and the bell pepper softens, about 3 minutes.

The Link Lonk

June 30, 2021 at 01:00AM

Blackened shrimp top fresh corn, tomatoes and peppers in this colorful summer combo - The Washington Post

BRAZIL CORN MARKET WATCH: Crop loss concerns mount on frost forecasts - S&P Global

Brazilian corn crops -- which have already seen significant production losses in 2020-21 -- are facing further damage from frost conditions observed in the southern parts of the country, with weather forecasts indicating that the conditions may continue throughout the week.

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At dawn on June 29-30, temperatures are likely to be below zero degrees Celsius in Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and the south of Parana. During this same period, there is even the possibility of snowfall in the mountainous areas, especially in Santa Catarina, Brazil's National Institute of Meteorology, or INMET, said in its forecast.

Throughout this week, favorable weather conditions for moderate to strong frost formation is likely to persist in southern Brazil, Mato Grosso do Sul and may extend to Sao Paulo and Minas Gerais, IMNET said.

The delayed planting of the second corn crop in Brazil this season has exposed a large area of corn crop in the country to frost damages.

"We expect that, if the frosts occurs, we might expect a 2mT [million mt] reduction on total production [in the affected region]," one market participant said.

In Parana, the second-largest producer of corn in Brazil, only 1% of the second corn area has been harvested, according to the latest update by Parana's state agriculture and livestock department.

"It is expected that approximately 25% of the second-crop corn at the early stage of maturation will suffer light damage from frost, while approximately 75% of the cultivated area, which is at more frost-sensitive crop development stages, will see significant yield losses," the report said on June 28.

The possibility of more losses comes on the heels of the reduction in the second corn production estimate by the Parana agriculture department last week.

Parana's second corn crop production is estimated at 9.8 million mt in 2020-21, down 33% from the initial estimate and down 19% year on year, the agriculture department said.

The most active corn futures contract on the Brazilian stock exchange B3 hit the upper limit at Real 87.61/60 kg on June 28 due to fears of crop damage due to drought.

In the last 12 months, the average monthly corn price in Brazil for each month was higher than the previous month except for December.


Lucas do Rio Verde/Mato Grosso


Passo Fundo/Rio Grande do Sul

Uberlandia/Minas Gerais

Source: CONAB

CEPEA corn indicator

The current weather risks to crop is likely to arrest the slide in corn prices observed in Brazil over the last two weeks as the local corn supply situation improved slightly with the progress of harvesting operations.

Brazil second corn crop harvest in the nine states which accounts for nearly 92% of the area touched 9.8% as of June 26 as compared to 16.1% around the same time last year, Brazil's national agricultural agency CONAB said in its latest weekly report.

Second corn harvesting in the major producing states of Brazil

June 27

2020 in %

June 19

2021 in %

June 26

2021 in %

Minas Gerais

Mato Grosso do Sul

Mato Grosso

Brazil's 2020-21 (February 2021 to January 2022) corn production forecast was cut to 96.39 million mt from 106.4 million mt projected in May by CONAB due to drought.

Brazil produced a record 102.586 million mt of corn in the 2019-20 season.

The US Department of Agriculture's Brazil attache lowered its 2020-21 corn production forecast by 11 million mt to 94 million mt -- which will be marketed between March 2021 and February 2022.

The USDA's attache also reduced its Brazil corn export forecast for 2020-21 by 10 million mt to 27 million mt, which would represent a 23% decrease year on year.

Brazil is the second-largest corn exporter in the world following the US.

The Link Lonk

June 29, 2021 at 07:14PM

BRAZIL CORN MARKET WATCH: Crop loss concerns mount on frost forecasts - S&P Global

Peruvian grape exports increase by 28% in 2021 – Produce Blue Book - Produce Blue Book

Peru’s table grape exports rose significantly in 2021 thanks to higher production.

According to Peru’s Ministry of Agrarian Development and Irrigation (Midagri), in the first four months of the year, the national production of table grapes reached 364,542 tons for a value of $520 million, reflecting an increase of 17 percent compared to the same period last year, as reported by Agraria.

The department of Ica has positioned itself as the main grape producer during January-March 2021, with 254,092 tons produced, an increase of 22.3 percent than the same time period last year. This department also covers 69.7 percent of the national wine production.

This department is followed by Lima with 39,125 tons (+8.6 percent) covering 10.7 percent of the total, La Libertad with 21,115 tons (+.03 percent) covering 5.8 percent of the total, and Piura with 19,173 tons (+28.4 percent) covering 5.3 percent of the total production.

On the export side, the National Superintendency of Customs and Tax Administration (Sunat) registered $532 million in fresh table exports from January-April 2021, a 27.9 percent increase than the same time period the previous year.

Fresh table grapes have also positioned themselves as the highest export valued product so far this year, with a 23.9 percent share of total agriculture exports.

During the first four months of this year, the U.S. was the main destination with $248 million, 16.3 percent more when compared to the same time period last year.

The U.S. was followed by Hong Kong with $80 million and a growth of 35 percent, the Netherlands with $58 million and a growth of 49.9 percent, Mexico with $24 million and a growth of 8.1 percent, and China with $21 million and a growth of 7 percent.

The Link Lonk

June 29, 2021 at 06:40PM

Peruvian grape exports increase by 28% in 2021 – Produce Blue Book - Produce Blue Book

Late season varieties mark the tail end of Mexico's strong grape season -

Mexico is gradually wrapping up a very strong grape season. Apart from some later seeded grape varieties, the main grape growing district Hermosillo finished last week. The district of Caborca is about 80 percent done. All in all, about 19.5 million boxes have been harvested and there are about 1 to 1.5 million boxes of late varieties left. “We grow around 50 percent of these late season varieties,” says Carlos Bon with Divine Flavor.

The company expects to ship until mid-July. “About four years ago, we expanded our acreage with a ranch that is dedicated to growing late-season varieties,” added Bon. “While the majority of the Mexican season traditionally finishes the first week of July, this ranch has allowed us to grow some newer, later maturing varieties and extend the season by about two weeks.” The late-season varieties include Sweet Celebration, Sweet Globe, Autumn Crisp, Cotton Candy, and Jellyberries.

Lower yields/acre
On the supply side, total Mexican grape volume will be close to the 21.5 million boxes originally forecasted. Nevertheless, the dynamics turned out differently. “The yields per acre were significantly lower than originally expected,” shared Bon. “This was made up by a significant amount of new acreage that came into production this season. Everyone in our industry was surprised to see how much new acreage was harvested.” Divine Flavor’s volume is up about 20 percent compared to last year, from 5 million boxes in 2020 to 6 million boxes in 2021.

Demand exceeded expectations
From a demand perspective, it was a great season for the entire industry. “Demand exceeded all expectations. When our season started, the pipeline for retailers was empty due to Chile finishing up early. Even when our season ramped up and we were shipping peak volumes, it took a long time to catch up and fill the retailer’s pipeline. Strong demand in combination with many repeat purchases, resulted in a great season.” At the beginning of the season, prices were strong due to high demand. At this point in the season, the quality has doubled while prices are about half of what they were a month ago.

The US, Canada, and Mexico are key grape markets for Divine Flavor. Outside North America, the company’s biggest market is Japan. In addition, grapes are shipped to Central & South America, Korea, as well as Australia & New Zealand.

For more information, please contact:
Michael DuPuis
Divine Flavor
Tel: 520-281-8328

The Link Lonk

June 29, 2021 at 07:32PM

Late season varieties mark the tail end of Mexico's strong grape season -

Pay attention to late-planted corn to protect yield - Farm Progress

With high commodity prices, this is not the year to take the season off from scouting. Even if your corn was planted late, agronomists say you should continue scouting throughout the entire season.

“There may still be some things you can do this season to protect yield potential,” says Dave Nanda, director of genetics for Seed Genetics Direct. “If insects come in during silking in big numbers, or if diseases come in late, you must be ready.”

Remember these scouting objectives:

Silk clipping. Weather conditions may determine whether Japanese beetles or corn rootworm beetles become an issue clipping silks during pollination, Nanda says. While you don’t want to spray if it’s not necessary, be alert. Be aware of what’s happening inside each field as silking unfolds.

According to the Purdue University Corn & Soybean Field Guide, treatment may be necessary if silks are clipped to one-half inch or less before 50% of the plants are pollinated with beetles present. Pull back husks and do the shake test to determine degree of pollination. Silks that already have pollinated ovules will fall away. Silks that remain are still attached to ovules that haven’t been pollinated.

Foliar diseases. Gray leaf spot is still a major disease threat throughout the Corn Belt, especially if it’s warm and wet with sufficient moisture to favor disease. Northern corn leaf blight tends to be more of a problem when summers are on the cool side.

Southern rust must blow in each year from Southern states, so it’s highly dependent on weather conditions. However, it caused some yield loss in 2020, and can even come in late — as late as very early September — and still cause significant yield loss if corn is still in the grain fill state.

Tar spot can also come in late and multiply rather quickly if conditions are right. This relatively new disease tends to be more of a problem in northern counties, but it’s not limited to northern areas.

Beck’s did a study in 2020 aimed at determining if it still pays to invest in fungicide for a later-planted crop, which might have lower yield potential. They applied either no fungicide or 13.7 ounces of Trivapro per acre on corn planted in three windows: April 16-30, May 1-15 and May 16-30. The study was repeated in Kentucky, southern Illinois and Wisconsin.  

Beck’s agronomists note that in two of the three locations, Southern rust came in late. Applying a fungicide and still investing in late-planted corn paid off. In fact, fungicide paid off for all three planting dates in 2020, using a corn price of $3.72 per bushel. The return on investment for the three planting windows was, respectively: $38.11, $26.58 and $63.78. If you use the same yield increases at $5-per-bushel corn, ROIs would be: $57.95, $43.04 and $92.45, respectively, assuming all costs were the same as in 2020.

Nutrition concerns. One of the Beck’s Practical Farm Research studies in 2020 turned up a surprising result, which could apply this year in any areas that are dry around the VT stage when fungicide applications are made. Agronomists note there is a sharp increase in boron uptake at flowering. Boron uptake can be limited in dry soils. Two of three locations where a boron additive was included with the fungicide were dry, and showed a payoff for the additive in 2020.

The Link Lonk

June 29, 2021 at 02:53PM

Pay attention to late-planted corn to protect yield - Farm Progress

Corn is king in Fort Gibson - Yahoo News

Jun. 29—Muldrow residents Kim and Carrie Shepherd had long-range plans when they visited Fort Gibson's Sweet Corn Festival on Saturday.

"I need to fill my freezer," Carrie Shepherd said, adding that she wanted that sweetness "all year around."

Kim Shepherd said she planned to get "as many as we think we can fit in the freezer, two or three bushels."

Hundreds of others had different reasons for flocking to the Sweet Corn Festival, held Friday and Saturday in downtown Fort Gibson.

Lines formed at the intersection of Poplar and Lee streets to get roasted corn. Some wanted melted butter poured over their ears. On Saturday, a second line formed for succotash.

Nikki Ledbetter of Muskogee said she had never even heard of succotash before.

"This is our first year even knowing this was going on," she said.

David Shepherd of Muldrow is no stranger to the succotash. He said he especially likes "all the corn and vegetables mixed together."

Ryan Bowden spent much of Saturday morning at the succotash griddle, keeping the corn, squash, onions and sausage in separate piles.

"We just kind of let it cook separately, once it gets cooked more, we start frying it together," he said. "We've been frying the okra separate."

He said succotash sold quickly Saturday morning.

"We had kind of a hard time keeping up," he said.

David Shepherd said he and his family have come to Fort Gibson for sweet corn for the past three years.

Comparing it to Webbers Falls corn, he said, "I think Fort Gibson's is a little better."

"It's just really good sweet corn," said David's dad, Paul Shepherd.

Kim Shepherd said she likes the corn best when Paul smokes it. But boiling it also works.

Some people wanted to finish their corn in the shortest time possible. They competed in corn-eating contests Saturday night.

Buddies Trent Ruminer and Tyler Warren talked a little smack before smacking down on their two cobs of corn Saturday night. Despite their challenges and dares, the two lost to repeat champion, Brandon Baker. Tessie Heppel won the children's corn-eating contest.

The Link Lonk

June 29, 2021 at 03:46PM

Corn is king in Fort Gibson - Yahoo News

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Dry conditions decrease Brazilian corn production estimate - World Grain BRASILIA, BRAZIL — Delayed planting and continued dry conditions has dropped Brazil’s estimated corn production 11 million...

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